I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:00. Members present: Mike Williams, Larry Helsley and George Owen. Members absent: Bill Britton. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, Ernie Curran, and Larry Brown.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2014 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Presentation/Second Reading of Ordinance 14-01, Adoption of 2013 California Fire Code with amendments. – Chief Scott Alvord spoke of some typo changes and a letter from James K Agee. Met with Rick Tippett regarding coordinating County Code with the Ordinance on driveways and other small changes.
Public Hearing: At 16:09 the second reading and adoption of Ordinance 14-01 was opened to the public for comments - No comments.
Public Hearing Closed: At 16:10
MSC: Williams/Helsley to accept and adopt Ordinance 14-01 and waive the reading.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes – 4, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent - 1
B. Discuss/Approve to spend up to $5,000.00 to purchase a Duty Officer Responder Vehicle, with a possible match from the Department – Chief, Scott Alvord spoke of the Duty Responder Vehicle and the issues it is having. Would like to replace it with the District contributing $5,000.00 and the Department matching $5,000.00. The District portion to come from the Apparatus Fund. The light bar and the radio will be transferred to the new vehicle.
MSC: Owen/Helsley to approve Chief Scott Alvord to purchase a Duty Officer Responder Vehicle, with District funds, up to $5,000.00 with a matching fund of $5,000.00 from the Department.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord stated that the program is going well, with approximately 3-4 months left.
B. Fire Chief/Marshall Report:
· ISO training log to meet expectations on training
· Cal Trans approved easement on Hwy 3 portion of the property purchased; will be documented
· Board of Education Safety Plan meeting
· Table Top Exercise – EOC Drill with PUD, Road Department, Cal Trans, Trinity Hospital, WCSD, Health and Human Services, Sheriff Dept., CHP, and School Dist.
· Revised the department’s roster
· Meeting in Chico for OES – adding local agreement in contract
· Explorer Academy coming soon
C. Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie Curran reported working on dismantling the bus out back. He put new brakes on the Chief’s Vehicle.
D. Committee Reports:
· Recruitment Committee: No report.
· Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis two almost paid off
· Contract Committee: No report.
· Tuition Committee: No Report
· Budget Committee: On track for FY 13/14
E. Director Reports: Helsley – discussion on John Hall and surplus radios.
VI. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk spoke of the mandatory Ethics Training and handed out the link to the free class on-line – will notify Bill Britton via e-mail. SDRMA worker’s comp. going down for next year. Received a $5,000.00 grant from State Farm for children’s safety education. Chief spoke of a possible live fire training opportunity here in town. He was invited to the Rotary Club to speak on the house explosion in Redding in February.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 16:44 hours.
__________________________ __________________________
Arden Potter, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board